sanctions Courtesy: The Loadstar
6 July 2022

Detailing Western sanctions against Russia

The West is using the Ukraine crisis as a watershed moment to weaponize sanctions in a volatile global setting. This infographic shows the extent and scale of Western sanctions against Russia, both public and private, across different sectors, and in a coordinated manner.

Narendra-Modi-Silicon-Valley-684x420 Courtesy: Twitter: Digital India Archives
19 May 2022

Digital public goods for the Indo-Pacific

With mass digitisation, India has proved that technology is not just for the educated, privileged, and wealthy. The country's open and secure digital public platforms can be significant for the Indo-Pacific, the world's most data-rich region. The Indian model is applicable because it is open-source, interoperable, auditable, and enshrines individual rights, ownership, and empowerment.

washington-2010 Courtesy:
29 March 2016

Developing global nuclear security

Once the fourth and final global Nuclear Security Summit is held this week in Washington, D.C., the challenge will primarily be for bureaucrats to continue working and keep leaders engaged on nuclear security. Inertia on this issue, especially when there is growing intelligence on security breaches, could be deadly.

NATO2 Courtesy:
10 October 2014

NATO Diaries

A rare opportunity to visit the North Atlantic Treaty Organization headquarters in Brussels provides a good opportunity to assess the organisation’s functioning. Interactions with its officials brought out the challenges the alliance faces, and its constant efforts to remain relevant in Europe’s security landscape

UN Photo Marco Castro_210x140 Courtesy: UNPhoto/MarcoDormino
12 April 2011

New trends in the management of upheaval

A new United Nations doctrine is revolutionising the manner in which Western powers achieve regime change. Under the pretext of “Responsibility to Protect” –as the doctrine is named –armed intervention does not depend on the aspirations of a populace but the facilitation of existing power equations