Gateway Features

Modi negotiates with Washington

Reuters Courtesy:

On 12-13 February, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will make a state visit to Washington, the third world leader to visit new U.S. President Donald Trump. There is a big agenda for the U.S. and India bilaterally and geopolitically. Principal among them will be the status and impact of the two wars, in West Asia and Europe, the Indo-Pacific and China’s continued regional aggressions, and the impact of Trump’s changes in U.S. domestic and foreign policy in terms of trade and read more

High expectations of Malaysia as ASEAN chair

BERNAMA Courtesy:

On January 1, 2025, Malaysia assumed the chairmanship of ASEAN, adopting the theme of "Inclusivity and Sustainability." This theme is deeply rooted in Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim's domestic vision, Malaysia Madani, which emphasizes sustainability, prosperity, innovation, respect, trust, and compassion. Under Malaysia's leadership, these principles will be extended to the regional level to shape ASEAN’s trajectory. Ibrahim had already articulated this vision in an essay published in December, which builds on his 1996 book, The Asian Renaissance. There is much read more

Where is the Quad heading in 2025?

Quad meeting Courtesy:

From India’s perspective, the Quad is arguably one of the three most significant plurilateral groupings of the 21st century, the other two being G20 and BRICS. G20 helps India play a global role of the kind it always aspires to as a potential member of the UN Security Council. BRICS is an instrument for exercising its strategic autonomy. On the other hand, Quad serves as insurance against China's threat and an enabler for India to be a consequential player in read more

When Bombay was home to the Aga Khans

His Highness Aga Khan Adressing in Central Asia_1 Courtesy: Zahur Ramji

Philanthropy has always flowered in Bombay, and the Ismailis—there are 15 million of them globally – owing allegiance to His Excellency Aga Khan IV, Prince Karim al-Husayni, practise it diligently, giving unobtrusively of their time and talent as and when sought by their leader. What is not widely known is that it was in 19th-century Bombay that the Aga Khans emerged as public figures and leaders of a community, dispersed across West and Central Asia, the subcontinent and East Africa. read more


India-Indonesia: Companion Souls in a New Era

India and Indonesia have a comprehensive strategic relationship built on their ancient and modern histories, and a flourishing relationship sustained by trade, economic exchange and people-to-people contact. The India-Indonesia Track 1.5 Dialogue, hosted by Gateway House and the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Indonesia, aims to provide policy recommendations to promote innovation and navigate evolving governance issues through bilateral and multilateral cooperation.

Foreign Affairs

The New Nuclear Age

China’s expansionist nuclear programme aims to bolster its capabilities, so much so, that Beijing's predictions boast 2500 new warheads by 2030, thus rivalling the American and Russian arsenals. As the dragon quadruples its nuclear propensity, heralding the world to something greatly unstable – a tripolar nuclear system; nuclear peace seems a quite convoluted goal.

Book Reviews

The days of the real Jackals

The current global focus on terrorism and the threats from nation-states, seem as it is a recent phenomenon. In fact terrorism has been present for the last century, still has the capacity to return and to shock with its brutality. India is no stranger to these acts and Germany has just suffered another attack on a Christmas market. A new book recalls the terrorism of 50 years ago and identifies how it became entangled in the politics of the Cold War.

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