pmo 22_210x140 Courtesy: PMO
14 December 2010

India-China: Prioritizing economics

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao’s visit to New Delhi has the potential to mitigate sixty years worth of distrust between two of the world’s most populous countries and truly improve bilateral relations. What is stopping the two Asian giants from cooperating?

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17 November 2010

Global Financial Openness Index

Over the past decade, emerging markets that have liberalized are far more open to foreign banks in their markets than are developed economies. A Gateway House study of financial services in 11 countries: four BRIC countries, one emerging market, four developed economies and two developing markets.

English Pen Flickr Courtesy: James Stencilowsky/ Flickr
12 November 2010

Myanmar elections: A Violation of Human Rights?

Myanmar is a complex issue. Its history, its treatment by neighbours and the West, the complex dilemmas posed by the mixing of morality and realpolitik is a reminder that democracy is only a means to an end. The lives of the ordinary people should matter more than formal institutions in shaping policy decisions.

Frances Voon_3x2 Courtesy: Frances Voon/Flickr
7 October 2010

Environmental diplomacy

The Sundarbans, one of world’s most endangered eco-systems, sits on the sensitive border between India and Bangladesh, and the issues that surround it have the potential to either advance or regress the relationship between the two neighbours

John L. Beeman Courtesy: John L. Beeman
30 September 2010

Mechanics of a Maritime Governance Authority

The second part of Admiral Bharathan’s piece on the importance of maritime governance in India. In this part, the author highlights the creation of institutions and adaptation of rules and regulations towards governance and management of the nation