mumbai-coastal-road-inaugurated Courtesy:
5 July 2024

India Became Bharat When No One was Looking

India’s story reads like a Bollywood script – unbelievable and insane to those who fail to decode its success. The most discernable change is internal, as ‘India’ and ‘Bharat’ coexist. India has stopped feeling and thinking poor; it’s right up there with the biggies. Maybe not invited to the high table yet, but has set up its own and invited the rest to the lavish banquet.

Screenshot 2023-05-12 145229 Courtesy: T20 India
15 May 2023

T20 Mid-Year Conference – At the heart of the Indo-Pacific: Why Mumbai Matters?

On 10-12 May, 2023, Manjeet Kripalani, Executive Director, Gateway House participated in the T20 Mid-year Conference hosted by Think20 and G20 in Mumbai. She delivered a special address on the integral position of Mumbai in the Indo-Pacific, pointing out the city’s historical, geopolitical, maritime, and commercial linkages with the Indian Ocean world.

Vol 1 no 01 Courtesy: The Marg Foundation
3 March 2023

Marg @ 75: recasting India’s cultural identity

India’s famous cultural icon, Marg magazine, has turned 75 along with the nation. It has republished some of its path-breaking articles, adding an introduction with a contemporary rethink. The outcome is an intellectual inquiry, with clues on how a confident 21st-century India must shape its global and regional positioning.

NY-Mumabi Courtesy: Gateway House/Google
25 January 2023

Repositioning Nariman Point as education hub

India’s new policy of allowing foreign universities to set up their operations in India offers an unprecedented opportunity for Indian cities to revitalise themselves. In Mumbai, the city and state administration can reposition the central business district of Nariman Point and turn this tip of the Arabian Sea into a vibrant international education hub. The model of Lower Manhattan is applicable.

Armenian's in Bombay Courtesy: Zabel Joshi
25 August 2022

Bombay’s Armenian legacy

Bombay was once an important Armenian settlement in the 18th and 19th centuries, as the English East India Company was keen to relocate the successful Armenian merchants of Surat to the Company’s new outpost of Bombay. Today, no Armenians from Bombay’s historic community remain, but their church and cemetery survive, the subject of study for Armenian expatriates keen to rediscover their history.

the globalised dawoodi bohras of mumbai Courtesy: SBUT
25 March 2021

The globalised Dawoodi Bohras of Bombay

The Mumbai-headquartered Dawoodi Bohra community has a rich legacy of business, overseas maritime trade, and, today, a strong global community network that connects its 1 million faithful, wherever they are, in real time. The community's strength is its network, even 1,000 years ago, even without technology.

bandra kurla complex Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons
19 December 2016

Bombay’s past and future as an IFC

The historic role of Bombay (as it was then called) as a hub for banking, commerce, trade, and shipping, and its financial clout a 100 years ago, are little known today. With the city scheduled to soon open an international financial services centre, it is worthwhile to recall and integrate this legacy with Mumbai’s present strengths in order to attract global capital to its IFSC

Chp 5. The Chartered Bank%2c Bombay Photo courtesy Dr Jehangir S. Sorabjee Courtesy: Jehangir S. Sorabjee
9 November 2016

Bombay and the City of London

British Prime Minister Theresa May’s visit to India from November 6-8, her first to a country outside Europe, has been focusing on increasing bilateral trade and investments. But 300 years ago, London and Bombay shared a critical financial relationship.