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1 June 2017

Ignoring the writing on the wall

An annual important networking occasion for security experts, the GLOBSEC 2017 Bratislava Forum, had surprisingly little representation from major European countries, such as Germany and France. Russia’s misuse of cyberspace was loudly censured, but Chinese activity in the South China Sea, and the recently concluded Belt and Road Forum received little attention

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13 April 2017

T20 Mumbai: Perspectives on the emerging world economy

Gateway House hosted a T20 meeting in Mumbai on February 14, 2017 in collaboration with the Kiel Institute for the World Economy and the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, with support from GIZ and Siemens India. This was the third time Gateway House hosted a T20 meeting; previous editions were held in 2015 under the Turkish Presidency with the leading Turkish think tank TEPAV, and in 2016 under the Chinese Presidency with the leading Chinese think tanks — Institute for World Economics and Politics, Shanghai Institute for International Studies, and Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies.

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15 September 2016

India Trilateral Forum: building bridges

The 11th India Trilateral Forum, a meeting series between India, Europe and the U.S., reflects a more confident India from whom expectations – especially to counter China – are high. This will require a realistic re-labelling of India by the Western powers.

indian ocean article Courtesy: Wiki
15 September 2016

India bolsters Indian Ocean strategy

In the last few years, India has stepped up its engagement with the countries of the Indian Ocean. At the first Indian Ocean Conference held last week, a consensus emerged that New Delhi needed to redouble their efforts to foster political, security, economic, and cultural cooperation in the region.