wall street volker article Courtesy: Alex E. Proimos/Flickr
24 August 2012

Why we need the Volcker Rule

Front running is a form of insider trading, where investment banks use customers' trading information to trade for themselves, ahead of their clients. This practise results in huge losses to the investors, and abates trust in financial markets. How can the Volcker Rule contain this practice on a global scale?

democracy in motion latam leaders Courtesy: PMO
9 August 2012

From profligacy to pragmatism

India seems to be treading down the path of fruitless populism that crippled many countries in the past, most notably in Latin America. But like Latin America, India too can embark on a course-correction by implementing pragmatic economic policies alongside progressive but results-driven social spending.

saran1 - Copy Courtesy: Gateway House
7 August 2012

The health of India’s financial sector

Is India's growing external debt a cause for concern? Are India's public sector banks too big to fail? Gateway House interviews former Whole Time Member of SEBI, Prashant Saran, to discuss the health of India's financial sector.

celac Courtesy: Casa de Gobierno en Argentina/Wikimedia
6 August 2012

Why we need an India-LAC dialogue

The past decade has seen a significant rise in trade and investment flows between India and the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region. With an international system in flux, it is time for India and LAC to work together to shape a global order that better reflects current economic realities.

wall street 2 Courtesy: Fletcher6/WikimediaCommons
23 July 2012

The shadow of LIBORgate

As the revelations pile up after the LIBOR rigging incident, it seems Europe and Britain are more committed to enforcement action than America. Real conservatives believe fully in market capitalism, that prices must come from uncorrupted market signals. Could this start a sea-change for enforcement globally?

renminibi2 Courtesy: rahims/Flickr
16 July 2012

China’s Achilles’ heel

China is quick in providing loans to execute domestic and international business plans, and returns are often forgone in the quest to own market share. Faced with an economic slowdown, will Beijing be able to sustain such unconventional economic policies? Or will its banking sector prove to be its Achilles' heel?

celac2 Courtesy: Martinmartin/WikimediaCommons
29 June 2012

Regional integration in Latin America and the Caribbean

Latin America is witnessing an exponential rise in regional integration of business houses. The resource-rich nature of most Latin American economies has led to an inward concentration of investment, which makes it an extremely interesting prospect for Indian investors.

piracy piece Courtesy: BlatantWorld.com/Flickr
27 June 2012

Piracy: A dangerous eco-system

The concern with piracy is in our waters is three-fold: the threat to Indian-owned vessels and Indian citizens; the difficulty in dealing with piracy and hostage-taking on the high seas; and finally, squeezing the organized industry. Can India play a leadership role in this effort?

tightrope india us Courtesy: The White House
13 June 2012

Iran tests India’s policy

Apart from bilateral ties, also at play at the India-U.S. Strategic dialogue is the difficult triangulation in India’s relations with the U.S. and Iran. It does not serve India to get enmeshed in the U.S-Iran confrontation. Instead, the relationship must develop on the basis of realpolitik and mutual interest.