website SCO Courtesy: India Today
11 July 2023

SCO Summit: Same old, some new

The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation's growing importance is seen in the numerous new applicants waiting in line for membership. The 23rd SCO Summit hosted by India on July 4 saw progress in areas like digital transformation and economic cooperation. However, timidity in acting on foundational issues like anti-terrorism reflects the internal contradictions and tensions within member states - a continuing challenge for SCO.

flags Courtesy: Gateway House
7 July 2023

Mexico sees opportunity in India-U.S. partnership

Mexico has followed Prime Minister Modi’s visit to the U.S.,and sees an opportunity to partner with India. Geopolitically, as a global south country with shared interests in peace, security and sustainable development; regionally, as part of the supply chain and export gateway to the U.S.; strategically as a diplomatic platform with a pragmatic narrative that privileges mutual interests.

G20-1-1 Courtesy: Global Green News
4 July 2023

India’s strategic G20 health track  

India’s G20 Health Track is progressing well, mid-way through its Presidency year. Its success is due to a combination of intertwined interests and political commitment - to international health goals, to G20 targets and on India’s own domestic focus. An early start on the health stream has ensured that the G20 and much of the world has had in the discussions. This is what makes a Ministerial consensus likely.

Africa website Courtesy: The Hindu
3 July 2023

Leveraging an Africa in transition

India’s rise as a global player is linked to the kind of relationship it enjoys with African countries, especially as the latter is undergoing demographic, political, and socioeconomic transitions. A new report on the India-Africa partnership recommends a resilient ‘Africa policy’ that will collectively enhance diplomatic, defense, cultural, and developmental collaboration between the two countries.

TCR_Website Courtesy: The Core Report
29 June 2023

What Indian Companies can do for the U.S.

Manjeet Kripalani, Executive Director, Gateway House, spoke with Govindraj Ethiraj at The Core on the opportunities for Indian business in engagements with the U.S. There are many opportunities for Indian companies to leverage the increased Indo-U.S. bonhomie, including in capacity building, technology flows, and knowledge transfer.

modi website Courtesy: Mint
29 June 2023

Russian views on Modi’s U.S. visit

The Russian reaction to the highly successful visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Washington D.C, has been largely balanced. Russians appreciate India’s need for top technology and investments, but also note that Delhi has done so without compromising its strategic autonomy.

website eissenhower Courtesy: Foreign Policy
22 June 2023

What Delhi can give D.C.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's third visit to the U.S., set against the backdrop of a changing world order, will be in a U.S. that is different from the one he visited in 2014, internationally and domestically. While accepting U.S. largesse, India must offer the U.S. things of value too. These include affordable healthcare, digitalisation, multilateral engagement and collaborations with the Global South.

Bringing the African Union into the G20
20 June 2023

Bringing the African Union into the G20

India's proposal to invite the African Union as a full member of the G20 comes three months before the Leaders’ Summit. The AU’s entry will make the grouping more representative and inclusive, thereby enhancing its moral credibility. For its part, the AU’S economic potential and mineral wealth can have a positive impact on decisions of global importance.

flags-g20-membership-concept-summit-260nw-2237447197 Courtesy: Shutterstock
14 June 2023

India’s G20 presidency at midpoint

India’s year-long G20 Presidency completed six months at a time of global economic slowdown and sharpening geopolitical contestation. While India has done well in leveraging the Presidency to articulate its vital goals, the success of the upcoming Delhi Summit will depend on achieving consensus, additionality, and implementability.

india SL Courtesy: Business World
18 May 2023

India and Sri Lanka Beyond the IMF

The Sri Lankan economy is showing signs of stabilizing after experiencing the worst contraction in its history in 2022. Decisive policies by President Ranil Wickremasinghe, timely Indian aid, and an IMF Programme have laid the groundwork for a return to growth. India and Sri Lanka must now shift from an aid relationship to one which deepens bilateral trade and investment flows.