A stack of one thousand rupee notes. Courtesy: 123RF
9 November 2016

How ‘hawala’ impacts national security

On November 8, when Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced to India, the demonetisation of high-value currency notes, he specifically referred to the use of Hawala and fake Indian currency notes for terrorist financing. The hawala system to move funds globally for terrorist financing is huge, secretive, and layered—and a challenge for national security agencies.

580291e37358e Courtesy: AFP
26 October 2016

U.S. Elections: questioning the status quo

This edited excerpt was transcribed from The Gateway House Podcast episode 'U.S. Elections: assessing its wider impact' which is a part of the special mini-series on the U.S. elections and its foreign policy implications. In this episode, Ambassador Deo talks about the wider impact that the elections will have on the race for the U.S. Congress and Senate, on American society, and on global political discourse.