GettyImages-1272675620 Courtesy: The Intercept
18 October 2023

West Asian quagmire

There are multiple threads running through the Israel-Hamas conflict, and multiple interests. The long-running cast of the Arab and Western worlds are on site, but now so is a newly-assertive Qatar. Two others are potential players: the expanded BRICS grouping and India, which will soon co-invest in the India-Middle East Europe Corridor. Will they be drawn into the West Asian quagmire?

Screenshot 2023-10-12 at 3.12.30 PM Courtesy: The Independent
12 October 2023

Multiple mediators for the Middle East

The Israel-Hamas conflict can further destabilise a world already weighed down by the Ukraine war and U.S.-China tensions. Escalation is inevitable, unless Europe recovers its traditional mediating role of advocating for ceasefire, dialogue and negotiated solutions, the Axis of Resistance desists, and the BRICS-11 play balancer. For the first time, there are many actors in an arena where the US was accustomed to being a soloist.

website eissenhower Courtesy: Foreign Policy
22 June 2023

What Delhi can give D.C.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's third visit to the U.S., set against the backdrop of a changing world order, will be in a U.S. that is different from the one he visited in 2014, internationally and domestically. While accepting U.S. largesse, India must offer the U.S. things of value too. These include affordable healthcare, digitalisation, multilateral engagement and collaborations with the Global South.

mappr Courtesy: Mappr
20 April 2023

Uzbekistan balances the geopolitical quartet

India is rapidly increasing its economic engagement with Russia, and other former Soviet countries. This means it must look at old friends in Central Asia with new eyes. Uzbekistan is one of them. India is one of a quartet of geopolitical powers playing to the strategic interests of this nation which sits at the crossroads of South, East, West and Central Asia and Russia.

Infographic- 22.03.2023 Courtesy: Gateway House
23 March 2023

Tech giants in distress

The combined effects of the pandemic and recent geopolitical tensions have resulted in some of the world’s leading tech companies facing crises on multiple fronts. A fall in market capitalisation, along with a sharp decline in equity has resulted in shrinking market shares for many of these giants.

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16 March 2023

Blame Game in Overdrive on SVB Collapse

The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank has global strategic implications. Santa Clara County, the home of Silicon Valley is nearly the size of Hong Kong. A meltdown of Silicon Valley would be catastrophic for U.S. leadership in the technology sector, especially when the U.S. and China are engaged in a technology race for supremacy in commercial and military applications.

Taiwan Courtesy: Foreign Affairs
4 August 2022

A weaker, more belligerent China?

China’s economic troubles may make it more belligerent against its neighbours. The over-the-top rhetoric and threats on U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan may be a precursor to more such behaviour in the future.

2016 Courtesy: Gateway House
22 December 2016

2016 trends: from forecast to reality

2016 has been marked by unprecedented geopolitical dislocations and dispersals. In January 2016, Gateway House, identified the major emerging global trends. As the year comes to an end, several developments have confirmed these forecasted trends

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26 November 2015

TPP & ISDS: new tests for India

The U.S.-driven Trans Pacific Partnership agreement between 12 countries, which is aiming to become the new standard of world trade, impacts domestic systems globally. For India, it will skew investment and intellectual property rights, and especially the debate over the Investor State Dispute System which allows companies to challenge sovereign rights and public policy.

foreign affairs september issue_0 Courtesy: Foreign Affairs
1 October 2011

The Inevitable Superpower

Is China poised to take over from the United States as the world’s leading economy? Yes, judging by its GDP, trade flows, and ability to act as a creditor to the rest of the world. In fact, China’s economic dominance will be far greater and come about far sooner than most observers realize.