CFo1ubfUgAAzxei Courtesy: Consulate General of France in Mumbai
16 March 2017

More than a whiff of France in Bombay

All eyes are on the outcome of the French elections next month with its portents of a far right president being the people’s choice. But it was 200 years ago that Bombay forged its French connection. Trade with France ushered in cultural influences while the city’s early nationalists were drawn to the French Revolution’s political philosophy of ‘Liberty, Equality and Fraternity’

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14 March 2017

The New World Order | Episode 2, a shift in U.S. foreign policy

The Presidency of Donald Trump is considered to have heralded the end of the post-1945 world order. This opinion has arisen due to some of his policies, which seek to uproot the U.S. from its self-made mandate as the leader of international peace, security and trade. Is the U.S. undergoing a global retreat? If so, what are some of the steps that the international community can take?

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7 March 2017

The New World Order | a podcast series

The post-1945 geopolitical order is crumbling. The cracks are highlighted by the uncertainty posed by Trump's America, the multiple crises facing Europe, the chronic conflict and destabilisation of West Asia and the rise of China. There is a geopolitical reconfiguration underway, one which needs to be understood. Tune into The New World Order, a new podcast series from Gateway House, designed to observe, define and help you understand the changing political trends across the world. Subscribe now and be the first to hear new episodes.