Indian_Navy_flotilla_of_Western_Fleet_escort_INS_Vikramaditya_(R33)_and_INS_Viraat_(R22)_in_the_Arabian_Sea Courtesy: Wikipedia
7 April 2016

India’s future is sea-facing

India needs a more developed strategic focus on its eastern-western seaboards. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has taken the lead, investing considerable diplomatic capital and time in his visits to Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and island nations in the Arabian Sea. In the east, he is progressively engaging with ASEAN, Japan and Australia

Mr_Donald_Trump_New_Hampshire_Town_Hall_on_August_19th,_2015_at_Pinkerton_Academy,_Derry,_NH_by_Michael_Vadon_02 Courtesy: Wikipedia
31 March 2016

Dismantling the geopolitical Bretton Woods

Statements by Donald Trump, the business magnate turned serious contender for the Oval Office, assert that he wants “good” political and economic deals for the U.S. - even if it means dismantling alliances, i.e. the geopolitical equivalents of Bretton Woods that underwrote the U.S .domination in Europe, Asia and Middle East for more than six decades. A new era could dawn.

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi with the African leaders during the special dinner hosted, on the sidelines of the 3rd India Africa Forum Summit, in New Delhi on October 28, 2015. Courtesy: MEA / Flickr
31 March 2016

Africa: diplomatic flavour of 2016?

India has hosted a plethora of India-Africa conferences, expressing commitment to deepen mutual cooperation. It is further expected that the president, vice president, and prime minister may visit Africa this year, to follow up actively. Indeed, a senior official predicts Africa will even become “the diplomatic flavour in 2016”. An analysis.

51j3clp3CgL._SX316_BO1,204,203,200_ Courtesy: Routledge India
30 March 2016

Shifting India-Myanmar relations

“Changing Countours” outlines the changing contours of a newly democratic Myanmar and prescribes the path for India to follow to foster closer links with its next-door neighbour.

SouthSouthCooperation Courtesy: Research and Information System for Developing Countries
23 March 2016

South-South Cooperation: emerging challenges

Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), hosted a Conference on South-South Cooperation in New Delhi on 10-11 March, 2016. The conference, represented by about 350 delegates representing 62 countries, demonstrated both the maturity of South-South Cooperation and the creative challenges that lie ahead.

india afghan Courtesy: Ministry of External Affairs / Flickr
10 March 2016

Building a path to Afghanistan

A more robust foreign policy initiative is required for India to be seen as a serious player in the future of Afghanistan. Building dams and roads has ensured its presence as a partner in rebuilding the country, but its conservative handling of Afghan issues must be challenged, perhaps by following the Iran route, to push forward its geostrategic interests.