green africa Courtesy: trendscout::/Flickr
4 October 2012

A Green Agenda for Africa

All the major economic forces in the world have come together in Africa in a new version of the Great Game. The competition for the continent’s resources will ultimately harm Africa unless Africa uses this opportunity to its advantage and to address its own serious problems.

wall street volker article Courtesy: Alex E. Proimos/Flickr
24 August 2012

Why we need the Volcker Rule

Front running is a form of insider trading, where investment banks use customers' trading information to trade for themselves, ahead of their clients. This practise results in huge losses to the investors, and abates trust in financial markets. How can the Volcker Rule contain this practice on a global scale?

wall street 2 Courtesy: Fletcher6/WikimediaCommons
23 July 2012

The shadow of LIBORgate

As the revelations pile up after the LIBOR rigging incident, it seems Europe and Britain are more committed to enforcement action than America. Real conservatives believe fully in market capitalism, that prices must come from uncorrupted market signals. Could this start a sea-change for enforcement globally?

Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)
13 December 2011

Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)

Amidst myriad country groupings that already exist – BRICS, IBSA, APEC, SCO and many others – a new initiative in the Pacific is looking to integrate more powerful countries to form a multilateral free trade agreement – the Trans Pacific Partnership. How important is this towards the reshaping of trade and power?

India, Financial regulatory exporter Courtesy: Niyantha/Flickr
6 October 2011

India: Financial Regulatory Exporter

With increasing debt and recession in the West, it seems no longer fitting for the rest of the world to follow traditional Western financial models. India’s long experience of capital markets, with its conservative and ‘inclusive’ financial regulatory system, on the other hand, makes for a compelling case study.

Occupy Wall Street Courtesy: Bob Dowling
5 October 2011

Occupy Wall Street

The Occupy Wall Street movement in the U.S. is gathering strength, with new groups of the aggrieved adding to the numbers of protestors. Gateway House’s editorial advisor Bob Dowling plunges into the crowd to gauge the depth of the movement, and the seriousness of the protestors’ intent.

9,11 photo Courtesy:
7 September 2011

America: Ten years after 9/11

A decade after 9/11, the U.S. has prevented further terrorist attacks - a major achievement. But with a $1.3 trillion budget deficit, a debt downgrade, and 24 million Americans searching for jobs, the U.S. needs to attend to matters at home rather than intervening in the world's affairs.

political and fiscal leadership us, india_0 Courtesy: WorldEconomicForum/WikimediaCommons
16 August 2011

U.S. and India: ‘C’ for political management

While the U.S. political leadership is stuck with extreme positions led by the Tea Party, India’s politicians do not seem to have a position at all. It is imperative for India’s political leadership to exercise prudent fiscal leadership to ensure that economic growth is balanced and equitable.

schengen spirit of openness Courtesy: FourthFloor/Flickr
23 June 2011

The Schengen spirit of openness

Despite their economic downturns, domestic tensions keep developed countries from embracing the revitalizing potential of foreign workers. Ambassador Neelam Deo argues that India should continue to leverage its history of diversity and capitalize on a world more open to the free flow of goods and services.