Freestylee Flickr Courtesy: Freestylee/Flickr
10 February 2011

Do something, say something

As soon as something happens in any country, a clamour begins in all the other capitals. Governments are importuned to do or say something. Does saying and doing nothing alter the dynamic of a movement, slow it down or derail it? Are the demands articulated feasible for a government to accept and implement?

Nina-no wIKIMEDIA Courtesy: NinaAldinThune/Wikimedia
7 February 2011

March of Follies in Egypt

There are more than Western interests at play in Egypt. The other catalysts for the unrest are a combination of Iranian adventures, hypocritical policies of West Asian regimes and resurgent commodity speculation in western markets, triggering a rise in prices of basic items in emerging markets