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22 February 2018

Khalistan 2.0: revival of Sikh separatism

Radical Sikh elements within the Indian diaspora have found the permissive political climate in Canada, North America and Europe conducive to building a support base in their respective countries, while donations from gurdwaras abroad and social media propaganda have fuelled separatist efforts in Punjab. India may have to step with care, containing the hostile propaganda, yet not appearing too stern in its response

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15 February 2018

How India-Canada business ties can bloom

Canada’s commercial relationship with India needs to go beyond lentils, uranium and other resources to explore the scope of greater cooperation on renewable energy and cutting-edge technology. There are strong reasons for the two countries to draw closer—even if other countries always loom larger. Prime Minister Trudeau visits India this week

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31 August 2017

India in Canada’s worldview

India hardly figures in current discourse on Canadian foreign policy. Yet, the two countries are important to each other: one, a source of investment, technology and energy, the other an attractive market. The current challenge is to conclude negotiations on long-pending trade and investment agreements