obama israel Courtesy: The White House
2 April 2013

Obama: Still equivocating on Palestine

During his visit to Israel, U.S. President Barack Obama spoke in favour of both the Israelis’ right to security and the Palestinians’ right to sovereignty. The issue of settlements, however, remains unresolved and it is unlikely that Israel will make concessions when its neighbours are in turmoil.

Prime Minister's Office Courtesy: Prime Minister's Office
15 January 2013

India-U.S.: Realizing full potential

Although the India-U.S. relationship has seen steady improvement over the past few years, it hasn’t garnered the amount of high-level attention necessary to actualise the massive potential of this liaison. What are the key areas both the nations need to focus on, to achieve outputs for maximum mutual benefit?

Courtesy: Gigi Ibrahim/WikimediaCommons
27 November 2012

Israel-Hamas: Only an intermission

The series of Israeli offensives against Gaza, which began on November 4, ended when Egypt's new President Mohamed Morsi brokered a ceasefire between Hamas and the Israeli government on November 13. The possibility of this ceasefire holding up, however, seems remote.

obama redux Courtesy: Pete Souza/The White House
9 November 2012

Obama Redux: The view from India

Despite U.S. President Barack Obama’s re-election, a number of issues like the U.S.’s national debt, unemployment and the military withdrawal from Afghanistan need to be addressed. With these multiple national and global imperatives crowding his agenda, will Obama have any time for India?

chris stevens casket Courtesy: Secretary of Defense/Flickr
20 September 2012

Death of an Ambassador

Ambassador Christopher Stevens, the U.S. envoy to Libya, was killed, following protests against a controvertial movie, titled 'Innocence of Muslims.' Is an anti-U.S. sentiment to be blamed for this violence? What consequences will this incident have on the U.S. policies towards Libya and Syria?

xerxes china Courtesy: Ministry of Defence, India
12 July 2012

The spectre of China

Though India may seem to be mirroring or competing with China’s military build-up, it doesn't seem to be doing so in consonance with a long-term plan. New Delhi would be better served by avoiding an arms race; staying away from the U.S.-China rivalry and fostering stronger relations with its immediate neighbours.

debnath shaw Courtesy: Gateway House
5 July 2012

“Russia still dominates Central Asia”

Though some countries like Russia gained a strong foothold in Central Asia and the Caucasus post-1991, India has been a late-comer. Gateway House interviews former Ambassador to Azerbaijan Debnath Shaw to discuss India’s energy interests in the region, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the TAPI pipeline.

strategic dialogue seema Courtesy: Embassy of India, Washinton D.C.
18 June 2012

India-U.S.: Another big bilateral shift

The third India-U.S. Strategic Dialogue saw more talk of ‘mutual capabilities’ than of a mere alliance. The larger endeavour in the bilateral is to find the right fit as partners, where both countries can preserve their strategic autonomy and benefit from their unique positions in the international community.

tightrope india us Courtesy: The White House
13 June 2012

Iran tests India’s policy

Apart from bilateral ties, also at play at the India-U.S. Strategic dialogue is the difficult triangulation in India’s relations with the U.S. and Iran. It does not serve India to get enmeshed in the U.S-Iran confrontation. Instead, the relationship must develop on the basis of realpolitik and mutual interest.

indo us strategic dialogue Courtesy: U.S. State Department
12 June 2012

India-U.S.: More equal partners

The setting for the third Indo-U.S. Strategic Dialogue is promising: a global shift of economic weight to Asia, U.S. military exhaustion and indebtedness to China and other factors call for a greater convergence in Indo-U.S. interests than ever before. It is essential then, to take bold decisions at the dialogue.