eu india Courtesy: PIB
13 February 2012

New template for India-EU FTA

As India and the European Union negotiate on a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in New Delhi, we analyse the relevance and impact an FTA would have on both parties. Can creative methods be implemented to break the current deadlock in negotiations?

India and Russia: a new Central Asian engagement Courtesy: PMO
8 February 2012

India and Russia: a new Central Asian engagement

India will do well to expand its positive and trust-laden cooperation with Russia in commerce, technology, and education, into a broader regional one, and establish a more meaningful presence in Central Asia. This will also assist in the future acquisition of energy resources in the region.

russia protests one Courtesy: VOA - Yuli Weeks/WikimediaCommons
7 February 2012

Russia’s growing nationalism

The India-Russia summit in 2011 was sandwiched chronologically between two events that received much greater exposure: the Gita scandal and the Russian protests. Is this a warning sign that Russia’s state-anointed xenophobia and nationalism could act as a dampener for the formerly solid Indo-Russian relationship?

kuwait flag Courtesy: Steve & Jem Copley/WikimediaCommons
30 January 2012

A significant election in Kuwait

The upcoming Kuwaiti elections will take place in the backdrop of a new wave of political reform, triggered by the Arab Spring. If Kuwait's Emir, Sabah Al-Sabah, proactively implements the debated changes, he can ensure that Kuwait remains in the vanguard of the Arab world.

gandhi Courtesy: Yann/WikimediaCommons
27 January 2012

Competitive intolerance: Reflections on Gandhi’s death anniversary

Many artists, thinkers and politicians are increasingly threatened, not just in India but in every corner of the world, by those who disagree with them. So what is the implication of Gandhi’s legacy for those of us who oppose such an assertion of ‘might’ over the ‘right’ of free expression and open exchange?

gilani photo Courtesy: IIP State/Flickr
20 January 2012

Can Pakistan sustain its Democracy?

The current standoff between the Pakistani Government and the Supreme Court is yet another sign of Pakistan’s instable democracy. Will this lead to another transition to military rule? Or will the pillars of the media and the judiciary be able to bring about a balance?

Courtesy: PMO
3 January 2012

India-Japan: An Asian Partnership

India and Japan have designed their collaborations over the years to be a win-win for both sides. Now, they are willing to collaborate on long-term initiatives, based on intrinsic factors of inter-dependent competencies – rather than on the defence of an extrinsic threat of a common enemy.