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28 November 2014

SAARC debriefing

The 18th SAARC Summit held in Nepal concluded on November 27 with the release of the Kathmandu Declaration. Did the summit live up to its expectations? Was concrete progress made, and if so in which areas? Where is SAARC heading now? Gateway House asks and answers five questions on the outcome of the summit

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12 November 2014

Green Party speak

The Green Party in Brazil is a small but significant presence, whose ideas of reform and conservation are gaining wider acceptance. In this interview, Eduardo Jorge, the party’s leader, discusses what BRICS represents, his views on India, and the response of governments and business to climate change

petroperoshenko_Ukraine Courtesy: Horasis/Flickr
30 May 2014

Can Poroshenko stabilise Ukraine?

Neelam Deo, Director, Gateway House, talks about the presidential elections in Ukraine and the implications of Petro Poroshenko’s victory. In this interview, she also discusses how he can mitigate tensions in Ukraine, why he retained the previous government, and the impact on India of the new leadership

modi Courtesy: Rangilo Gujarati/Wikimedia Commons
19 May 2014

‘Modi will be firm on Indian interests’

Professor M.D. Nalapat, Director, Department of Geopolitics, Manipal University talks about India’s foreign policy in the Modi era. In an interview to Gateway House, he says that as Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be pragmatic in his dealings with the U.S. and China and will focus on creating harmony in Asia

Pettinger_book case Courtesy: PittengerforCongress
13 May 2014

‘I had mixed feelings about the resolution’

U.S Congressman Robert Pittenger, co-sponsor of the resolution urging the U.S government to continue with its policy of not granting a visa to Narendra Modi says he signed the resolution despite having mixed feelings. In an interview to Gateway House he also talks about the potentials of the India-U.S. bilateral

ukraine-odessa-fire_210x140 Courtesy: Sergey Gumenyuk/EPA
8 May 2014

Six takes on the Ukraine crisis

It is seven months since the first round of protests began in Ukraine, and the crisis has only escalated further. Russia has rejected calls for another round of talks and parts of eastern Ukraine are seeing violence on a daily basis as pro-government loyalists try and take back cities controlled by the pro-Russians