SLQ Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons
19 December 2016

LNG strategies for the EU and India

India’s gas consumption is lower than the EU’s, but it too, like the EU, relies heavily on imports. With LNG likely to remain a key part of India’s gas supplies in the future, and given recent changes in the global market, what is the future potential of LNG imports for the EU and India? What are the best energy policies for the two regions?

GH-IAI Partnership image Courtesy:
21 July 2016

Moving forward the EU-India Security Dialogue: Traditional and emerging issues

Gateway House: Indian Council on Global Relations, in partnership with Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) – one of Italy’s leading think tanks on international affairs, participated in the European Union- India Think Tanks Twinning Initiative for the year 2016. Titled: ‘Moving forward the EU-India Read more

ukip-eu-protest-5 Courtesy: Business Insider
24 June 2016

Brexit: a wake-up call for global elites

The message from Brexit is simple: the post-second world war financial, trade and industrial order and security arrangements that developed around Bretton Woods, have passed their expiry date. This is the time for countries, regional unions and global institutions to reform themselves – putting people instead of regulations and strategic objectives at the centre of their decision-making.

anoop singh interview Courtesy: Gateway House
11 May 2012

IMF interview: How the European crisis will affect India

As India’s growth slows, it becomes increasingly important to enact reforms so it can return to its intended growth rate of 9%. Gateway House’s Hari Seshasayee interviews Anoop Singh, Director of Asia and Pacific at the IMF, to discuss the impact of the Euro zone crisis on India and the way forward for Asia.

botopoulos Courtesy:
28 March 2012

“Greeks do not want to leave the Eurozone”

Kostas Botopoulos, Greece’s point-man in money markets, speaks to Gateway House's Akshay Mathur about Greece's bailout process, building consensus within the European Union, the reforms demanded by stakeholders and what it all means for India and the global economy.

eu india Courtesy: PIB
13 February 2012

New template for India-EU FTA

As India and the European Union negotiate on a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in New Delhi, we analyse the relevance and impact an FTA would have on both parties. Can creative methods be implemented to break the current deadlock in negotiations?

nicolas krul pic Courtesy: Gateway House
25 October 2011

Nicolas Krul: “There will be no derailment of the [painful] adjustment process in Europe…”

Gateway House’s Hari Seshasayee interviewed Nicolas Krul. A stout defender of European unity, Krul discussed the origins of the crisis, the lessons learned, possible solutions and the opportunities for the emerging world.