DSC_0211[1] Courtesy: Gateway House
14 January 2016

U.S.-Iran: overcoming brief setbacks?

Former United States Ambassador Frank Wisner talks to Gateway House about the progress of U.S.-Iran relations in the aftermath of the P5+1 nuclear deal with Iran, including the U.S. response to Iran’s testing of a missile. He also discusses the U.S. perspective on India’s prospective APEC membership.

syriawar Courtesy: Flickr / Foreign and Commonwealth Office
13 January 2016

Ramifications of Saudi mass execution

By executing an influential Shia cleric among 47 other prisoners, Saudi Arabia has increased the possibility of prolonging conflict in West Asia. The country’s actions have stirred up its differences with Iran, thereby diminishing the possibility of finding political solutions to the civil wars in Syria and Yemen.

modi sharif Courtesy: Flickr/ MEAPhotogallery
7 January 2016

New approach to security emergencies

The Pathankot attack reflects a new template of terrorism and is a reminder that India needs a well-coordinated approach to security emergencies. This is particularly necessary as the country has embarked on a bold foreign policy path, daring to tread where we have not gone before, intensifying existing and new engagements and trying to functionalize dysfunctional bilaterals like Pakistan