The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi presenting a reproduction of a map of the island of Singapore dating back to 1849 to the Prime Minister of Singapore, Mr. Lee Hsien Loong, in Istana, Singapore on November 24, 2015. Courtesy: Wikimedia
19 April 2016

Defining & deepening India-Singapore partnership

India and Singapore elevated their ever deepening relationship to a strategic partnership last year. The two countries laid out an ambitious roadmap for expansion and diversification of bilateral ties. What drives this multi-layered bilateral relationship?

Indian American times Courtesy: Indian American Times
19 April 2016

North America: Petro state

An article by Amit Bhandari, Fellow, Energy and Environmental Studies, and Kunal Kulkarni, Senior Researcher, Gateway House, was republished by Indian American Times.

US India Navy Courtesy: Ash Carter / Flickr
16 April 2016

India-U.S.: convergence and divergence

The success of the U.S. Defense Secretary's recent visit to India is indicative of the deepening India-U.S. defence relationship. It has become clear that Indo-U.S. maritime cooperation in the Indian Ocean is steaming ahead; while other geopolitical differences, like the sale of aircraft to Pakistan, seem unlikely to disappear anytime soon.

Happiness Index Courtesy: Buisness Insider
14 April 2016

Measuring happiness

The World Happiness Report 2016 has listed India at 118th place – the lowest rank among BRICS. While there is a strong case for holistic metrics that map actual well-being, research in happiness needs to be taken with a pinch of scepticism.

Sagar2 Courtesy:
14 April 2016

Sagarmala or SAGAR: a maritime dilemma

After decades of passivity, India is beginning to assert itself in the maritime arena. There is a whiff of salt in the usually 'sea-blind' corridors of Delhi, where the Modi government clearly sees the linkage between the possession of maritime wherewithal, both civilian and military, and the furthering of national prosperity, through ever-increasing trade.

Carter and Parikhar Courtesy: Department of Defense, U.S. Gov
14 April 2016

Carter in India: a foundational visit

The recent visit of the U.S. Defense Secretary to India has yielded significant outcomes on streamlining bilateral military interactions, deepening maritime security cooperation and defence technology collaboration. As India grows closer to the U.S., it should be clear about the objectives of this engagement