picstitch (5) Courtesy: Wikimedia commons
19 March 2015

Assessing India’s infrastructure aid diplomacy

With the Modi government’s focus on improving neighbourhood relations, India cannot afford delays in its aid projects in the region—especially because aid is an effective foreign policy instrument. Why are these projects getting delayed? Is the government taking remedial steps to improve India’s aid programme?

Lagarde 2 Courtesy: IMF
19 March 2015

IMF, RBI and interest rates

The IMF’s 2014 review has some good GDP news but its reservations on interest rates bears closer attention. It can take 32 months for the effects of a an interest rate cut to be felt. What does this mean for the Indian economy?

m Courtesy: Reuters/Soe Zeya Tun
19 March 2015

Will Myanmar return to its violent past?

The Thein Sein government’s initial successes in Myanmar have eroded, as it vacillates between reform and a return to an authoritarian past. The violent suppression of student protestors this month will further impact the president’s re-election later this year. But will a new government continue the reforms and honour peace agreements with ethnic groups?

Hindu Bizline Courtesy: Business Line
19 March 2015

Repo rate cut — lost in transmission

Rajrishi Singhal, Senior Geoeconomics Fellow, Gateway House, has written an article commenting on the recent cut in the repo rate in India. This article has been republished by Business Line

Political indian Courtesy: The Political Indian
19 March 2015

Examining the Gilead deal

Kunal Nathwani, Research Intern, Gateway House, has written an article analyzing the Gilead Licensing Agreement with seven Indian Pharmaceutical Companies. This article has been republished by The Political Indian