TPI Courtesy:
6 June 2014

An agenda for India’s new NSA Ajit Doval

The Political Indian republished on their website an article written by Sameer Patil, Associate Fellow, National Security, Ethnic Conflict and Terrorism, Gateway House, for the Gateway House website.

Lat-Am delegation_210x140 Courtesy:
6 June 2014

India’s 10-point agenda for LatAm

Gateway House outlines a renewed agenda for India’s relationship with Latin America. If the new government led by Narendra Modi takes these policy steps, centred on economic diplomacy, India can benefit from Latin America’s huge natural resources, increasingly assertive foreign policy, and significant economic growth

Hindu Bizline Courtesy: HIndu Business Line
6 June 2014

Looking in

Gateway House was mentioned in an article written in the HIndu Business Line which looked at the need for Indian media and think tanks to pay more attention to the world

ANN 1 Courtesy: Asia News Network
6 June 2014

Modi’s US trip an opportunity to mend US-India relations

Gateway House's Director Neelam Deo was quoted in an article in the Asia News Network on the future course of the India-U.S. bilateral. She says Prime Minister Modi's decision to accept President Obama's invitation to visit the U.S is a pragmatic one

BBTV Courtesy: Bloomberg TV
6 June 2014

In Business: Scripting The Indo-U.S. Story Afresh

Gateway House's Director Neelam Deo was interviewed by Bloomberg TV for for a special segment on foreign policy started by the channel in association with Gateway House. In this segment she talks about the future of the India-U.S. bilateral

Hindu Bizline Courtesy: The Hindu Business Line
6 June 2014

No external debt crisis, please

The Hindu Business Line republished an article by Gateway House's Senior Geoeconomics Fellow Rajrishi Singhal examining the Reserve Bank of India's move barring banks with overseas operations from giving foreign currency loans to Indian companies.

CNN 2 Courtesy: CNN
6 June 2014

India-Pakistan future relations

Gateway House's co-Founder Manjeet Kripalani was interviewed by international news channel CNN on the future of India-Pakistan relations. She says that under the charge of Prime Minister Modi, the bilateral can chart a new course