Asia times Courtesy: Asia Times Online
29 June 2013

Japan Playing with Fire

Asia Times Online published Gateway House's Michael Burn's Article on Japan Playing with Fire. He argues that newly elected President Shinto Abe has plans to alter the constitution that might lead to a re-armed Japan, with a larger military force.

brazil protests 1 Courtesy: Semilla Luz/ Flickr
27 June 2013

Brazil’s upwardly mobile revolution

Brasilia seems to have responded fairly to the mass protests in the country. However, the issue of corruption is the most resonant of the protester’s grievances and must be addressed. Real political and economic reforms also need to be put in place, especially in the areas of education and health.

Khurshid and Kerry Courtesy: U.S. Embassy New Delhi/ Flickr
25 June 2013

Ending the drift in India-U.S. ties

The visit of U.S Secretary of State John Kerry should not be viewed as an avenue for India and U.S to dwell on the existing set of complaints. Rather, it should be seen as a time for both nations to affirm that they have a lot to learn from each other, notably in the banking, security and infrastructure areas

firstpost-logo Courtesy: Firstpost
21 June 2013

Why John Kerry’s trip to India will be about polite words, little else

Firstpost published Gateway House's Director Ambassador Neelam Deo's article on the U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry's visit to India. She argues that since India and US will be preoccupied with their economic and strategic challenges, the bilateral talks will not produce any major announcements

Outlook-India-logo_0 Courtesy: Outlook India
17 June 2013

The Code Breaker

Outlook India, a news and analysis website, quoted Gateway House's Executive Director Manjeet Kripalani in its article on the return of Narayana Murthy at Infosys. She opines that if the Murthys wanted to protect their stake, they could have chosen other ways to do so.

EURASIA REVIEW Courtesy: Eurasia Review
14 June 2013

Why The World Should Take The Iran Elections Seriously – Analysis

Eurasia Review, a news and analysis website, republished an article by Farhang Jahanpour on the importance of the June 14 presidential election in Iran. He argues that the results will have a bearing on Iranian foreign policy in Syria, Iraq and Israel.

EURASIA REVIEW Courtesy: Eurasia Review
30 May 2013

Iran: A Civilization Goes To The Polls – Analysis

Eurasia Review, a news and analysis, website republished an article by Somasekhar Sundaresan on the June 14 presidential election in Iran. He identifies certain underlying factors of the current political scenario, all of which hint that there is more to this election than what meets the eye.