brazil protests 1 Courtesy: Semilla Luz/ Flickr
27 June 2013

Brazil’s upwardly mobile revolution

Brasilia seems to have responded fairly to the mass protests in the country. However, the issue of corruption is the most resonant of the protester’s grievances and must be addressed. Real political and economic reforms also need to be put in place, especially in the areas of education and health.

Khurshid and Kerry Courtesy: U.S. Embassy New Delhi/ Flickr
25 June 2013

Ending the drift in India-U.S. ties

The visit of U.S Secretary of State John Kerry should not be viewed as an avenue for India and U.S to dwell on the existing set of complaints. Rather, it should be seen as a time for both nations to affirm that they have a lot to learn from each other, notably in the banking, security and infrastructure areas

firstpost-logo Courtesy: Firstpost
21 June 2013

Why John Kerry’s trip to India will be about polite words, little else

Firstpost published Gateway House's Director Ambassador Neelam Deo's article on the U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry's visit to India. She argues that since India and US will be preoccupied with their economic and strategic challenges, the bilateral talks will not produce any major announcements

Will the Iranian nuclear dispute end Courtesy: European External Action Service
17 April 2013

Will the Iranian nuclear dispute end?

Earlier in April, representatives of the U.S., EU, China and Russia held discussions in Kazakhstan to break the deadlock over Iran’s nuclear program, but with little result. What are the complexities of the Iranian nuclear dispute, and what are the chances of progress in the negotiations?

Ministry of External Affairs, India Courtesy:
25 March 2013

BRICS builds on Africa

The fifth BRICS summit will take place from 26-27 March with South Africa - a late entrant to the grouping - playing host. Although sceptics have questioned the salience of this bloc, the group is essentially a work in progress. Expectations, therefore, must be modest and pragmatic.

National Assembly Of Pakistan Courtesy: National Assembly Of Pakistan
19 March 2013

Pakistan: Civil-military rebalancing?

Although the 13th National Assembly of Pakistan became the first ever to complete its full term, on March 17, the period was also marked by severe sectarian violence, foreign policy shifts and other internal issues. How have these dynamics played out in defining Pakistan’s polity and economy in the recent years?

21 November 2012

Lula returns to India

The enigmatic former president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (or simply Lula), will visit India to receive the Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development. Though India and Brazil share many commonalities, a belief in inclusive growth amidst huge social challenges is perhaps most significant.

Americas Quarterly_1 Courtesy: Americas Quarterly
28 August 2012

India and CELAC: Beyond Commodities

Americas Quarterly published Gateway House's Hari Seshasayee's article on the India-CELAC relations. He examines whether given the increased political will from both sides, can CELAC be the driver for India-Latin America relations or will bilateral ties maintain the status quo?

the_diplomat_feature_logo_1 Courtesy: The Diplomat
15 August 2012

An Independence Day Reflection

The Diplomat republished Gateway House's Ambassador Neelam Deo's article on the factors that impede the smooth functioning of democracy, in India and abroad. She argues that it is imperative to find ways to confront the shortcomings that have crept into our cherished democracies.