Courtesy: Tas50/WikimediaCommons
27 December 2012

Who will control the Antarctic?

In the past few years, the political map of Antarctica, a region rich in mineral-fuel resources, has changed immensely. How can the ongoing geopolitical polarization in this region have unfavourable global effects in the long run?

china environment_0 Courtesy: quinn.anya/Flickr
9 August 2012

The precondition of democracy in China

The ongoing environmental movement in China - like many of the country’s burgeoning social movements - and those involved in it, are using various strategies to demand one of democracy’s preconditions—the rule of law.

iran talks Courtesy: IAEA Imagebank/Flickr
8 June 2012

All to play for in Moscow

Ahead of nuclear talks between Iran and the P5+1 in Moscow, the West seems confident that sanctions will induce Iran to settle on its uranium enrichment. But rather than arriving at a negotiated settlement by applying the principle of reciprocity, the West may look to anaesthetize oil markets.