Freestylee Flickr Courtesy: Freestylee/Flickr
10 February 2011

Do something, say something

As soon as something happens in any country, a clamour begins in all the other capitals. Governments are importuned to do or say something. Does saying and doing nothing alter the dynamic of a movement, slow it down or derail it? Are the demands articulated feasible for a government to accept and implement?

Opus88888 Wikipedia_0 Courtesy: Opus88888/Wikipedia
8 February 2011

The present situation (in Kashmir) favours India

In the last few months, South Asia has gone from being just a global security headache, to a region with new possibilities. Teresita C. Schaffer, former US ambassador to Sri Lanka, and Howard Schaffer, former US ambassador to Pakistan and Bangladesh, discuss the major challenges that confront the US in South Asia.

truth kashmir Courtesy: isa_adsr/Flickr
6 September 2010

Kashmir: The inconvenient truth

Today, Kashmir is very much part of the cauldron that is "Af-Pak", the storm that is raging across the Pashtun belt in Pakistan and Afghanistan. As in Af-Pak, the base for the jihad that is being waged in Kashmir mainly comprises a small fringe of a single community – the Valley Sunnis.