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21 April 2012

Persian puzzle needs new players

The Hindu republished Ambassador Peter Jenkins' article on the Iranian nuclear issue. The author argues that India and BRICS can leverage their influence on the West and help in the process of arriving at a negotiated settlement with Tehran.

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6 June 2011

BRICS: Convergence or dissonance?

As Europe stands united in its support for France's Finance Minister Christine Lagarde as a candidate to head the International Monetary Fund, many have begun to question if BRICS is truly an effective and united bloc. Will they be able to put forth a candidate all emerging countries can support?

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1 September 2010

Not Ready for Prime Time

The world’s leading international institutions may be outmoded, but Brazil, China, India, and South Africa are not ready to join the helm. Their shaky commitment to democracy, human rights, nuclear nonproliferation, and environmental protection would only weaken the international system’s core values.