China’s New Foreign Investment Outlook
An analysis of China's new foreign investment policy and what it means for foreign investors.
An analysis of China's new foreign investment policy and what it means for foreign investors.
The United States sees India as a guarantor of the liberal international order – The 2010 QDR assumes that India will act in the general interests of the political and economic order that the Atlantic powers have established
It’s time to review the policy on overseas Indian affairs – India must draw a clear line between NRIs who are Indian citizens and PIOs who are foreign nationals.
Tensions over visas and diplomatic standoffs between India and China serve as a precursor for the bitterness that will ensue in their relationship unless there are significant advances in the bilateral relationship
Asia is without a doubt the world's most dynamic, fastest growing, enterprising continent. This report explores Asia's economic, cultural and diplomatic framework and determines what place the United States should hold in this set-up
The global financial crisis has had detrimental effects on banking and personal finance systems across the globe. Will this crisis affect remittances, thereby disturbing the lives of several million people dependent on their relations' earnings abroad?
The agreement which is an outcome of India's Look East Policy will benefit India's Northeast states the most.