SriLankaCrisis Courtesy: Business Standard
9 May 2024

Sovereign default and economic crisis in Sri Lanka

In April 2022, Sri Lanka defaulted on its foreign debts kicking off its worst economic downturn in over 70 years. In a paper for the Institute of South Asian Studies, Ganeshan Wignaraja examines key policy, the benefits of IMF support, and the role that Indian aid has played in Sri Lanka’s recovery while emphasising potential risks of its upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections.

skynews-colombo-sri-lanka-port_5811767 Courtesy: Reuters
1 February 2024

Pulling Sri Lanka out of the abyss

Sri Lanka has demonstrated signs of recovery following the stabilising policies implemented by the Wickremesinghe government. However, the road ahead for economic recovery is long, with risks associated with the upcoming Presidential elections, geopolitical tensions and debt restructuring.

Screenshot 2023-12-21 at 10.24.21 AM Courtesy: Le Monde
21 December 2023

Political risks to Sri Lanka’s economic stability

A stabilising economy in Sri Lanka has eased inflationary pressures and foreign exchange liquidity crises in the past year. As economic recovery steps up, Sri Lanka has also sought free trade agreement-led Asian regionalism. However, with presidential and parliamentary elections scheduled for 2024 and an opposition that wants to renegotiate the IMF agreement, A lasting economic recovery may be derailed by political risks.

asiapng Courtesy: Verité Research
19 October 2023

Lessons from Sri Lanka’s Debt Default

The Sri Lankan economic crisis was the result of years of weak fiscal performance and lack of consistent development strategies. While economic recovery has picked up pace, addressing macroeconomics issues and implementing structural reforms to promote inclusive and sustainable growth is the key to its success