foreignaffairsmayjune Courtesy: Foreign Affairs
30 April 2013

Africa’s Economic Boom

The collective GDP of countries in sub-Saharan Africa has grown at an average of 5% per annum since 2000, and is expected to grow faster in the future. Will the recent political reforms give the region a chance to sustain this boom in the coming years?

stockexchange 3 Courtesy: Clipgame/Wikimedia Commons
10 September 2012

Bourse Africa: A sparkling opportunity?

This October, Bourse Africa, the first Pan-African stock exchange is set to begin its operations. Apart from integrating all the African economies and boosting their engagements with international markets, it also aims to commodify diamonds. What does this mean for the future of commerce in Africa?

Pyzhou_3x2 Courtesy: Pyzhou
28 September 2010

China’s Innovation Wall

In a bid to end its dependence on foreign intellectual property and become a global power in science and technology, China is attempting to foster indigenous innovation. Are the U.S. government and business community right to be worried about threats to free trade and intellectual property rights?