SouthAfricaElection Courtesy:
6 June 2024

South Africa after elections: Four scenarios

African National Congress (ANC) lost its long-held majority in the recent national elections in South Africa. While President Ramaphosa continues to be a pivotal actor in the new landscape, the political stakes have become higher as the new government sets about solving the dire economic issues that ordinary citizens face.

A man walks past election posters of the ruling African National Congress (ANC), as South Africa prepares for the May 29 general elections, in Soweto, South Africa, May 24, 2024. REUTERS/Siphiwe Sibeko Courtesy:
27 May 2024

South Africa goes to the polls

South Africa goes to the polls this week, and there is much to watch: a new electoral system, the fate of the African National Congress, a potential coalition, the promise of economic renewal, and a foreign policy agenda. The winner will have to get to work at once to tackle these simultaneous challenges and ambitions.

bhutan_20181001 Courtesy: Outlook
18 January 2024

Bhutan’s elections matter

Bhutan’s newly elected People’s Democratic Party is inclined to modernize the bilateral ties with India through investment and commercial ties with cities like Mumbai and Bangalore. This is the moment for New Delhi to view Bhutan with a new, non-linear lens, to deepening ties with a valuable neighbhour.

Gateway House_Elections in 2024 Courtesy: Gateway House
4 January 2024

54 democratic elections in 2024

A sweep of democracies across the world are scheduled to hold general elections in 2024, including seven of the 10 most populous countries. India has an interest in several of these: its own national election and those in its immediate neighbourhood; in the G20, of which India is still part of the troika; and in BRICS-plus, where a new global game is afoot.