Burma leader expects silence from India visit
Weary of championing Myanmar’s democratic movement, India welcomes its top general Than Shwe in July 2010 and even allows him to pay homage to Mahatma Gandhi’s memorial in New Delhi
Weary of championing Myanmar’s democratic movement, India welcomes its top general Than Shwe in July 2010 and even allows him to pay homage to Mahatma Gandhi’s memorial in New Delhi
How India's "demographic dividend" can turn into a disaster in two parts: one rooted in Leftwing extremism and the other in the churn of Northeast India.
Rocket science hasn’t gone very far, but rocket economics just made the leap. India needs to get into that game fast or risk losing a unique opportunity
The Chinese people might not share their government’s bellicosity towards India. The authoritarian leadership in Beijing may be out of step with domestic opinion when it beats the India drum.
Iraq is under U.S. pressure to form a new government quickly in the wake of the March 7 elections that saw two Shiite blocs–Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki’s State of Law and challenger Ayad Allawi’s Iraqiya–winning the majority of seats Read more
An analysis of China's new foreign investment policy and what it means for foreign investors.
Conventional wars are won by capturing territory, but counterinsurgencies are won by holding it. Rather than rushing to open new fronts against the Taliban, Pakistan must now focus on keeping the territory it has already cleared
The United States sees India as a guarantor of the liberal international order – The 2010 QDR assumes that India will act in the general interests of the political and economic order that the Atlantic powers have established
It’s time to review the policy on overseas Indian affairs – India must draw a clear line between NRIs who are Indian citizens and PIOs who are foreign nationals.
Tensions over visas and diplomatic standoffs between India and China serve as a precursor for the bitterness that will ensue in their relationship unless there are significant advances in the bilateral relationship