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1 June 2012, Energy Intelligence

Pakistan/India: Turkmenistan Gas Still Difficult, But Not Impossible

Gateway House's Ambassador Neelam Deo was quoted in a report released by Energy Intelligence, an analysis group that provides insight, analysis, and data to the global energy industry. The report discusses the idea of laying the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India pipeline across Turkmenistan.

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Tapi would also require India to cooperate closely with Pakistan. “While the trend of India-Pakistan relations is positive, the quality remains brittle,” says Neelam Deo, a former Indian ambassador and now director of Mumbai think tank Gateway House (EC Apr.13’12). To add complexity, India and Pakistan are strategic competitors

in Afghanistan, jockeying for influence and natural resources. But Kabul could be in a position to help Islamabad and New Delhi find ways to cooperate. “Afghanistan could itself be the catalyst for reducing competition between India and Pakistan,” Deo says.

TAPI_Article[1].pdf 234.4 KB


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